Dreams of Non-duality
So, what is non duality? The supreme source of all wisdom and knowledge known to the masses as Wikipedia might say something about the words "non duality" or "non dualism" as meaning "not two", as in there are not two things, from which one may naturally deduce that there is only the one or oneness.
It may then go on to say that non duality refers to some kind of transcendent state of consciousness or awareness where the person who has realised this state no longer considers themselves as being an individual that is separate from the whole or the one, and that this state has come about by years of preparation through meditation, contemplative practises and self-inquiry.
It would then go on to mention non duality in ancient Indian or Oriental religions, teachings and philosophies, and how it is also representative in Western religions, teachings, and philosophies. No doubt there are umpteen links to scholarly articles or publications on the subject of non dualism by... well?... scholars, I suppose, who will draw many conclusions about non dualism from mystical scriptures and books in such a way as to present non duality to the modern day thinker or seeker, as a path to follow or a way of some kind towards something called "ENLIGHTENMENT"
(Italicised in capitals for dramatic effect).
Many are so convinced by the teachings and scriptures of anything ancient and Indian or Oriental, or Western for that matter, when it comes to this subject, that the essence of non duality itself is entirely missed or overlooked by the seeker, scholars, and teachers. This is because they are all referring to a kind of knowing, or the coming to know of something called non duality, and what that is or could mean for the individual.
The suggestion here, is that non duality is unknowable, simply because it isn't a thing that becomes known; therefore, it cannot be taught as a teaching. It isn't a state of consciousness or awareness, because that would imply more knowing. When the illusion of a dualistic reality, which seems to be convincingly comprised of real things like meaning and purpose, time and space, subject and object, here and there, me and you, is seen through, it is recognised that this apparent reality was never actually the case at all. So, in this way one could say that non duality was, or is always the case. However, one could equally say that there is no non duality, because there isn't an actual duality to become non dual to begin with. This means that Non duality is just a concept and, in the end, means absolutely nothing, because there is no one left who needs to know or to understand this.
It is sometimes said that non duality is a pointing to "this" , or to "what is already", and it can even be put more eloquently as "nothing being everything" or "the absolute relative", but that would be more concepts. Unfortunately, it would seem that the realms of the conceptual are unavoidable when attempting to point to the ineffable with words. But what does seem to happen, energetically, when there is a sharing in this way, within this unknowable no-thingness, is an opening for the energy of knowing and the consequent seeking to understand this something called "non duality" to evaporate, and all that is left is unknowing, which is empty fullness, therefore never exclusive of anything, even an experience of duality and the seeking for oneness or enlightenment.
Oh dear... We're not much further forward, are we? Well that's because there is actually nowhere to go and nothing which can be gotten, because "this" is already itself. So, perhaps I can tell you a little story instead:
Once upon a time, there was a person called Neil. Neil was looking for something. Neil was looking for something because he felt that something had been lost or was missing. Neil was convinced that something important and deeply meaningful had to be found in order to become whole and fulfilled.
Neil was an individual, who lived in an apparent world made up of real things, because that is how he experienced himself... Real. Within this apparent reality, he was the centre of his universe, the creator and surveyor of all that was. He was a seeker of experience and a chaser of dreams; but he was never satisfied; there was always a need for more.
Ever frustrated and increasingly despairing, one day, Neil began to dream about another kind of dream. It was a dream which came to be known as something called enlightenment. He was curious about this dream, compelled even, to discover what this dream could mean, because deep down, Neil longed to stop dreaming and become free of the burden of himself.
But Neil couldn't possibly have recognised that he was infact the dream. Neil was the dream itself dreaming of himself, hoping to awaken and know that it was all a dream. Neil could not see that it was impossible for Neil to become free of the dream, because there wasn't actually a Neil to dream such dreams. It was, of course, just a dream. It was a dream dreaming about the end of a dream which was never actually happening.
"This" was always itself, even when appearing to dream...
July 8, 2022
This is all there is. This is what's happening... just "this". This is "the absolute"; the beginning and the end; there isn't a something or somewhere else, and there is nothing existing as a separate autonomous entity in real time and real space, with free will and choice, which could possibly involve itself in any way with "what is already"; there is only "what apparently happens", which is nothing appearing as everything.
Nothing is real or unreal, known, or unknown. In the end, there is only the timeless, space-less, singular whole, which is completely without meaning, purpose, intention, or direction, whilst also being undeniably and unquestionably whole and complete. Questions, doubts, are all smothered by the embrace of the beloved; there is not even a “where did you go?”, or “why did you leave me?”, because it never did and never does.
Non-Duality Jargon
June 11, 2022
So, why do some speakers use the same words or 'jargon'?... Well, quite simply, if we're talking about the same thing, why not use the same words? If words are to have any usage at all, there has to be some kind of agreement or consensus as to what a word points to, or what a collection of words describe. So when it is said 'this is an appearance' or is 'what apparently happens', that then, as far as it can, simply means there is just what apparently happens, that's all. Tony Parsons saw this, (so to speak), and there are others who are also confirming what the Open Secret communication is attempting to describe - (We can at this point start the dance back and forth about words can never point to 'what appears' if we really must, but that is itself pointless). I really can't think of a better way to describe no thing being everything, than to say 'this is no thing being everything', and make of that what you will.
I think what probably happened over the years of this communication coming out into the world...
August 3, 2021
Like a leaf tumbling to the ground,
Apparent life as being an apparent death is inevitable and obvious in the end,
Whether death comes as the end of an assumed experience,
Or with the end of another apparent form,
It is all whole and complete in any and every sense and non-sense,
Adrift, fluid, moving and still, soaring and falling,
But going nowhere,
As it was never begun...
August 1, 2021
Always and ever 'this',
No more excursions out into the cold rain,
No more clambering across the jagged rocks,
No more violent winds,
No one left to be exposed to the elements,
No mountain to climb,
No walls to be breached,
Just softness,
July 30, 2021
Liberation is the end of the need to be or become liberated,
It is the end of the need for something else,
It is the end of the hope for something better,
It is the end of the sense to be someone who is lost and therefore needs to find a way to bring about what is felt to be missing...
July 26, 2021
In the beginning there was no thing; Void without form and all apparent form as being the void. To say that something began from this void would be a misunderstanding; To say that something arises out of the void would be erroneous; To say that this void changes in anyway at all, is an illusion; To imply that there is anyone who can know this, is a dream. There are no beginnings or endings; No real movement of any kind; Only the appearance as being timelessly itself...