Non-Duality Jargon
So, why do some speakers use the same words or 'jargon'?... Well, quite simply, if we're talking about the same thing, why not use the same words? If words are to have any usage at all, there has to be some kind of agreement or consensus as to what a word points to, or what a collection of words describe. So when it is said 'this is an appearance' or is 'what apparently happens', that then, as far as it can, simply means there is just what apparently happens, that's all. Tony Parsons saw this, (so to speak), and there are others who are also confirming what the Open Secret communication is attempting to describe - (We can at this point start the dance back and forth about words can never point to 'what appears' if we really must, but that is itself pointless). I really can't think of a better way to describe no thing being everything, than to say 'this is no thing being everything', and make of that what you will.
I think what probably happened over the years of this communication coming out into the world, is that it has, in some way or other, become clearer; more direct. A bit like a sous chef will often begin with a fairly wide selection of ingredients to begin making a sauce, but ultimately what happens in the cooking process is a reducing of the ingredients down until there is just the rawness or essence of the sauce and its flavour. Of course, no metaphor like this can stand up to scrutiny in the context of a non duality conversation, (and the mind does love to scrutinise!) so, I would add to that, that this would have just been happening naturally, not as an intention of the communicator to combine ingredients to create a certain sauce or flavour, or to get to some kind of rawness with the message - that's just 'what apparently happens' too.
As to the comments on the 'radical' (yawn) non duality speak as 'jargon', it simply comes out of a mind that is, most likely, still trying to make some kind of sense of it, so that it can either be accepted or rejected. That's what the mind does; it's looking for the angles all of the time. This is so it can survive and continue to reign as the monarch of its imagined kingdom, where it feels safe behind its castle walls. In the story, it is both the landlord and the tenant which resides in, and claims ownership of, a body and a world which it claims to be its property.
So, in that sense, this type of communication can only be viewed as an understanding of some kind, which also can include the understanding that it isn't about an understanding. Understandings change. They change with more or less knowing coming out of an individual perspective on something. So an individual will listen to some speakers and communicators and wonder why they are saying the same thing, or using the same words, because it thinks that one should be using and working with their own individual understanding or interpretation on the subject of non duality, or whatever. That's just more ownership; which is totally natural, of course.
I think it's fair to say that there can be an effort to be as clear as possible when it comes to communicating 'this' - no one is making an effort - it just automatically happens. And it wouldn't be wrong to say that there is a natural tendency to not mislead by saying certain words which would be more like describing something different.
It really doesn't matter at the end of the day. I think for those who come regularly to hear this type of communication, it is because something is deeply intuited or sensed, which can leave a flavour of something that feels like home... If only for a little while. But all of that is pure story, because there is only 'what apparently happens', which is home already, and that's the mystery. A communication is what apparently happens in some cases, and either it is resonated with or not.
July 8, 2022
This is all there is. This is what's happening... just "this". This is "the absolute"; the beginning and the end; there isn't a something or somewhere else, and there is nothing existing as a separate autonomous entity in real time and real space, with free will and choice, which could possibly involve itself in any way with "what is already"; there is only "what apparently happens", which is nothing appearing as everything.
Nothing is real or unreal, known, or unknown. In the end, there is only the timeless, space-less, singular whole, which is completely without meaning, purpose, intention, or direction, whilst also being undeniably and unquestionably whole and complete. Questions, doubts, are all smothered by the embrace of the beloved; there is not even a “where did you go?”, or “why did you leave me?”, because it never did and never does.
Dreams of Non-duality
August 7, 2021
So, what is non duality? The supreme source of all wisdom and knowledge known to the masses as Wikipedia might say something about the words "non duality" or "non dualism" as meaning "not two", as in there are not two things, from which one may naturally deduce that there is only the one or oneness.
It may then go on to say that non duality refers to some kind of transcendent state of consciousness or awareness where the person who has realised this state no longer considers themselves as being an individual that is separate from the whole or the one, and that this state has come about by years of preparation through meditation, contemplative practises and self-inquiry...
August 3, 2021
Like a leaf tumbling to the ground,
Apparent life as being an apparent death is inevitable and obvious in the end,
Whether death comes as the end of an assumed experience,
Or with the end of another apparent form,
It is all whole and complete in any and every sense and non-sense,
Adrift, fluid, moving and still, soaring and falling,
But going nowhere,
As it was never begun...
August 1, 2021
Always and ever 'this',
No more excursions out into the cold rain,
No more clambering across the jagged rocks,
No more violent winds,
No one left to be exposed to the elements,
No mountain to climb,
No walls to be breached,
Just softness,
July 30, 2021
Liberation is the end of the need to be or become liberated,
It is the end of the need for something else,
It is the end of the hope for something better,
It is the end of the sense to be someone who is lost and therefore needs to find a way to bring about what is felt to be missing...
July 26, 2021
In the beginning there was no thing; Void without form and all apparent form as being the void. To say that something began from this void would be a misunderstanding; To say that something arises out of the void would be erroneous; To say that this void changes in anyway at all, is an illusion; To imply that there is anyone who can know this, is a dream. There are no beginnings or endings; No real movement of any kind; Only the appearance as being timelessly itself...